I'm starting a World Tour as an excuse to "visit" places I will never be able to see, trying to learn not only to fly better but also tips of information about the history, culture and life of the places I'm flying over.
I already did something similar few years ago, with FSX and FSEconomy. I bought a Mooney Bravo in Japan that I wanted to fly in Europe, so I flew from Fukushima to Egypt, westbound, visiting South Korea, China, Vietnam, the Himalaya, India, Pakistan, Iraq...
By that time, I moved from FSX to X-Plane 11, which doesn't have the Mooney Bravo. So I sold mine in FSEconomy to buy a Baron 58, based on UK. Since then, I have been flying only in Europe, IVAO Tours, etc... and I didn't continue my World Tour. Now, I'm considering again to try this adventure.
Hence, I'll start (and hopefully finish) a World Tour from LELN (León, Spain), my home base. I'll fly eastbound, to take advantage on the winds. I'll use the REP package (Reality Expansion Pack, that simulates real engines, etc...) with the Laminar Beechcraft Baron 58, linked to FSEconomy. (a cool online server to earn virtual money through flying passengers and cargo around the world). This means that every incident and maintenance cost will be charged to my FSEconomy account. I'll also use the fuel supply in FSEconomy. Currently I own just the Baron 58 and have about $30k, so I plan to fly around the globe by taking jobs, paying for maintenance and repair, as well as to save money for future aircrafts.
I'll also fly on IVAO (online platform to fly with other real people, same as VATSIM) as much as I can. I'm not an experienced user, so I won't enter in a busy airport by now. Therefore, I might connect to IVAO only in those cases in which I feel confident with. I hope to increase its use as time is passing.
Finally, I'll use Ortho4XP to generate the sceneries in those areas worth the effort.
As a summary, these are the rules I'll follow:
1.) Real weather.
2.) VFR will be the priority. I'll use IFR (or VOR navigation on VFR) if required. I'll avoid the use of GPS as much as I can.
3.) I'll try to follow the right procedures in those areas for which I can find charts. Otherwise, I'll fly standard traffic patterns and altitude rules.
4.) I'll fly from/to gate in every airport.
About the route... well, it's not perfectly defined since it will depend a bit on the availability of jobs in FSEconomy. I won't fully depend on them, I don't mind flying without jobs a leg I'm interested on, but overall I'll try to follow the following route (eastbound):
Points to clarify:
1.) These are not feasible legs. Are just "lines" connecting areas I would like to visit.
2.) I'm not sure yet about the loop around Australia and the loop of South America. I'll decide on those whenever I arrive nearby.
3.) I'll try to fly legs taking 1 to 3 hours. However, I might make exceptions if it's worthy.
Last but not least, I'm using all this as an excuse to learn flying. This means I'm currently a beginner and I'll make mistakes. This is not intended to be a tutorial blog or anything academic at all.
Last but not least, I'm using all this as an excuse to learn flying. This means I'm currently a beginner and I'll make mistakes. This is not intended to be a tutorial blog or anything academic at all.
Well... let's begin!
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